Motivation and Scope
Objectives of the Technical Committee on Standards are:
- First and foremost, to develop standards according to the IEEE-SA and Sponsor’s procedures and policies (PnP), from which all working groups develop their own PnPs to govern their process. In addition, for IES activities.
- Identify and distinguish activities in these standards that may impact the work (academic and industry) directions of society membership.
- Assist in developing publications and presentations on standards where they are valued by IES membership.
As required by the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA), the IES Standards Sponsor has an IES Standards Procedures and Policies document (PnP) that governs the standards development. Likewise, each working group develops its own PnP to govern its procedures.
IES Standards Policies and Procedures document is available. Please avail yourself of the policies and procedures by reviewing the document.
Basic operation principles:
- The Standards Committee is the standards sponsor for standards proposed and developed by IES. As a Standards Sponsor, it oversees the standards process in accordance to the IEEE-SA policies and procedures. Additionally, standards development by the IES can be jointly sponsored with other societies, when appropriate.
- The Officers of the Standards Sponsor are the Officers of the Standards Committee.
- Standards development are proposed and championed by IES members, from which the standards development Working Groups are formed sponsored by IES Standards Committee.
- Each Working Group (WG) is chaired by a Working Group Chair, assisted by the Vice Chair and Secretary.